A game is tasteless without twists and turns. The interest and spirit for the blackjack online are alive due to the surprising moves & cards played by the players.

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to predict the card which you are about to draw or the card which is with your opponent player. Blackjack strategy card helps you to predict the cards depending on the number of card decks. The number of decks can be 4, 6 or 8. Blackjack strategy card (6 decks) is in great demand among the punters.
What is Blackjack Strategy Card?
The strategy card consists of vertical and horizontal columns & rows respectively. Your hand is on the left vertical edge of the card while the dealer’s up card is along the top.

The letter “A” stands for an ace. There are two conditions on which strategy card is formed. First, when the dealer stands on Soft 17, and the second, when the dealer hits on Soft 17.
In both of the cases, the card or chart is divided into hard totals, soft totals and split table hands from top to bottom. Some of the abbreviations used in blackjack strategy card formed in the case when the dealer stands on Soft 17 are following:
- H - hit
- S - stand
- P - split
- Ph - split if double after split is allowed and otherwise hit
- Dh - double if allowed and otherwise hit
- Ds - double if allowed, otherwise stand
- Rh - surrender if allowed, otherwise hit
Other than above two more of the abbreviations used in blackjack strategy card based on the case, when the dealer hits on Soft 17 are following:
- Rp - surrender if allowed and otherwise split
- Rs - surrender if allowed, otherwise stand
There are few more basic strategy rules of blackjack based on the strategy cards. It is advised or recommended not to take insurance or “even money.”

If there is the case, when you are not able to split because of the limit on re-splitting then it is better to look up your hand as a hard total. One more case of considering your hand as a hard total is when; there is no row for splitting.
Strategies Specified Along with the Blackjack Strategy Cards
A blackjack strategy card 4 deck, 6 decks or 8 decks lessens the complications and unwanted headaches for any player.
The game of blackjack becomes more interesting with better knowledge and acknowledgment of the strategies defined under the best blackjack strategy card.

Each of the players plays move according to the defined scenarios and counter actions in strategy cards. A fair sporting environment is assured with transparent terms and conditions under blackjack strategy card. Some of the basic strategies according to the strategy charts are following:
1. Surrender
- It comes as hard 16 vs. dealer 9, 10 or A and also as hard 15 vs. dealer 10. One more thing which needs to be defined here is that the hard 16 has not to be a pair of 8s.
2. Split
- It is recommended to split aces and 8s always
- 5s and 10s are not advised to be split
- 2s and 3s are split against dealer’s 4-7 and also against a 2 or 3 when DAS is allowed
- splitting of 7s is defined against a dealer 2-7
- split 6s against dealer’s 3-6 & also against a 2 if DAS are allowed
- 9s is split against a dealer 2-6 or 8-9
- splitting of 4s is allowed only when DAS applies or with dealer’s 5 or 6
3. Double
- Double hard of 10 except against a dealer 10 or A is recommended
- Except against a dealer A, double hard of 11
- Double hard 9 vs. dealer 3-6
- Double soft of 17 or 18 vs. dealer 3-6
- It is advised of double soft 13 or 14 vs. dealer 5-6

- Double soft 15 or 16 vs. dealer 4-6
4. Hit or Stand
- It is recommended to hit hard 11 or less always
- Stand on soft 19, or more is advised
- Soft 17 or less is always on hit
- Stand on hard 12 is against a dealer 4-6, and other than this, hit is recommended
- Stand on hard 13-16 against a dealer 2-6 is advised, and other than this, hit recommended
- Stand on soft 18 except hit against 9, 10 or An of a dealer
- Stand on hard 17 or more always
The above strategies for splitting, doubling, standing and hitting has come from the blackjack strategy card, including blackjack strategy card 6 deck, 4 deck and 8 decks.
Best Blackjack Strategy Card: The Demand and Necessity of the Game
The quality analysis of blackjack game has given the best blackjack strategy card. The strategies and moves recommended under this card are always effective and a positive outcome is assured for sure.
Players or punters need to read and analyze the card keenly to keep that in use while playing the moves. Any of the wrong moves can destroy all of your previous good work and wise strategies.
A sincere approach for each of the strategy is necessary to get optimum result. Some of the online gaming sites give you the proper guidance to go through blackjack strategy card 4 deck, 6 decks or 8 decks.

Excellent offers are available for the players bringing into use of strategy cards in their games. Each of the aspects of cards is well defined in the manual provided along with the card.
Blackjack strategy card is created in two ways. The first method involves the probability theory with some of the complicated mathematics. The second method uses computers to simulate thousands of deals of blackjack which are played using different strategies and making a note of the best combinations and results.
Both of the methods give the best blackjack strategy card. The cards have gone through some of the advancements in technologies also to make it more effective.