Play Blackjack

Best Online Blackjack Strategy

The game of cards has a far stretched history which had its base in the 9th century. It was initiated in China during the Tang Dynasty. The daughter of Emperor Yizong, Princess Tongchang used to play the game in with the family of the Wei clan where she was married to.

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The game was named Yezi Gexi. Ouyang Xiu, the researcher from Song dynasty, have recorded that the game came into existence in the mid years of the Tang dynasty.

However, Ouyang Xiu also said the cards were generally made of papers and they used in the form of a book which was played on board with the help of dice. The rules which were documented in a book were missing by the year 1067. 


The Tips for Online Strategy of Playing Blackjack


  • The first and foremost thing is worth noting that to win in blackjack one must follow the online blackjack strategy chart which would facilitate the ones bidding for the game.

  • The online blackjack strategy includes the chart since the online blackjack strategy chart goes on explaining the players in a very structured and giving the best suggestions and this is done following and maintaining certain vital statistics. It also explains how to the various stand, hits, double down, surrender and splits are to be tackled while playing the game.

  • To win the online game of blackjack one must be aware of the rules of the game. One must make sure that the online blackjack strategy card requires that one must never bet for even numbers.

  • It is also advised that if one do not get a chance of splitting, then it is better to look for a total of two different numbers.

  • Online blackjack strategy card is to be played if one cannot split because of the limitation on the moves of splits then one should go for a hard total.

  • The best online blackjack strategy is that one need to shuffle the cards very efficiently and that can only be possible if the cards are mixed and united properly.

  • Another best online blackjack strategy is to make a deal after you go you thoroughly learn the rules of the online betting online.



Hence, the game of cards can be very interesting if you follow certain strategies and these are very much necessary for the fresher since it helps you to make the right move.

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The various strategies are to be followed since you are betting which involves quite a bit of monetary investment. To win and reap maximum profit not only the beginners but also the one who have been accustomed to the online betting in the cards.


A Succinct History of the Game of Cards


It is said that initial pack of cards came into existence where there were 32 cards and the Chinese dispersion pack consisted of an amalgamation of 21 along with a dice. Gui Tian Lu goes on to say that the cards were printed at the time of the Tang dynasty along with the set of rules which were printed in a book.


Online Blackjack Strategy


It was very difficult to differentiate between the paper cards and the game on tiles. The word Pai in Chinese was used to define the both the games. The game of cards on paper was called paper pai and the one on tile were known as bone pai.

William Henry Wilkinson has stated that the game of cards was initially the paper currency and they were used for the commercial purpose as well as gaming activity.

It has been tracked that the game was used as a Madiao which have its origin in the Ming Dynasty. In the 15the century, Lu Rong stated that the game was played with 38 cards with coins known as myriads.



The cards which were commonly known as the money suited the game. Later it was made easy or simplified, and number from one to ten was used instead of the currencies. There was another type which consisted of various images and figures instead of numbers. There is evidence that the game of cards was also played in Egypt, Persia and India.


The Modern Form of Cards


The first set of modern card set was initiated and designed for Charles VI. The pack was very expensive since it was intricately carved out in wood in the 15th century.


Best Online Blackjack Strategy


By and by the designs of the cards changed and it is said the word Ace has its origin from the Anglo-Norman times having the roots in Latin. Later the cards were elaborately designed, and it finally took the shape that we see today.

Very interesting to note is that the government of various countries had started earning huge amounts of revenue and finally it was decided that the ace of spade would stand for England, the ace of clubs for France, ace of diamonds would be denoted in Russia.


Cards in the Form of Online Gambling


Various types of card games were initiated later with the passage of time till the game was introduced in the form of betting and gambling.

The various types of gambling in cards were commonly known as Asian stud, Asia Poker, Australian Pontoon, Baccarat, Blackjack, Blackjack switch, Caribbean Stud Poker, Casino war, Chinese poker, four card pokers, roulette, Spanish 21, Teen Patti, Pyramid Poker, Red Dog were practiced in the casinos as table games.



Later with the advancement in technologies, these games are practiced online. Numerous bookies are there to facilitate the online games especially those who are card enthusiasts would love the customized sites designed for them.

Here in this segment, we are going to look forward to the very common game Blackjack which is also commonly known as twenty-one. It is a game a back of fifty-two cards are required to play the game. Now that online betting if a much-practiced form gambling it is better to know the online blackjack strategy to play and win the game.


Play Blackjack