Play Blackjack

European Blackjack

Blackjack is highly popular casino game among the gamblers, and there are many variants of the blackjack game like one such variant is the European Blackjack which provides an additional side betting too and one can play as high as the ratio of 10:1 of the betting amount.

It is quite commonly played in Europe and other parts of the world, and one can enjoy playing it both in the real land based as well as online casinos.


Objective of the Player


Even the betting sites which are offered in the blackjack game depend on the game version and the type of the casino one is playing in. The goal of the player is to beat the hand of the dealer without the break of the total of number twenty-one.

If the player is not quite familiar with the rules and the regulations of the blackjack and he doesn’t follow them in the proper way while playing blackjack, he may end up losing lots of money.


Rules in European Blackjack


This type of the blackjack game utilizes the two card decks. So, there will be two decks which will be used in the game, and the punters will be given the advantage of the house to around0.46 percentage.



There are six decks of the cards which are used to play the game, but the deck's number can be different which can be in the casino and therefore one need to check out everything before starting to play.


Look for the Best Choice


In the European type of the blackjack variant, splitting is allowed but only under the condition when the gambler has held the pair of 10, and they can also do the hitting or the double down once the splitting is over. The game of the blackjack offers high variation. There are so many things to offer depending upon the choice of the players.


Enjoy Unlimited Options


So, the blackjack players have an unlimited number of options which are available and every type of the game has its own set of defined rules and regulations.


European Blackjack


One should familiarize with all the rules and the norms before diving into it. If one looks at the differences among the variations of the blackjack, they are minor, but the game has its own system to play, and the European blackjack is also not different in this regard.


Number of Decks


There are two decks which are involved in this type of game. The dealer is standing on the soft 17 number, and the players have the provision to double down in the number nine and on the number 11 which is not there in other types of the blackjack games.


Check Out the Different Rules


Before you rush to play read the rules and regulations of the game online. There is basic blackjack strategy guide which one can go through and make the blackjack wager and make the real money.

It serves as a limitation for all those players who play the game aggressively, and they can double on anything when the dealer shows number five or six.



In the game, once the splitting is done players cannot split against and even they are not allowed to carry the doubling down on the split.

So, the provision of surrendering is not present. The difference in the rules of the game is likely to have a huge influence on the blackjack game and the kind of strategy which should be devised to play and win it.


Automatic Shufflers Installed


In the European version of the blackjack, there are cards of 8 decks which are used, and there is shuffling of each of the deck after when every round of the game is over.

Sometimes there are automatic shufflers who are utilized which are quite like the one installed at the casino tables for a poker game. In the European blackjack, there is no split of 4 ,5 or 10’s, and it is not that difficult for all those who are experienced, and trained players and the pairs of the cards are not split at all.


Check Out the Rules with Every Casino


But the thing which the player should know well is that when a casino device the rule for the blackjack they always try to intend it to their own benefits.



So, since the casino is familiar with the fact that all those who are professional card counters will carry out the splitting of the pairs when the dealer is in week position and is going to bust.

One can also check out the variants of the game offered by the online casinos. There are large varieties of the blackjack games which are developed and can be tried online to satisfy the requirements of each punter.


Install Blackjack Software in Mobiles


There are casino games which can also be played on mobiles, and one can easily install the blackjack software on their mobiles, tablets and have fun playing them as per their own convenience.



There is a range of deals, free European Blackjack bonuses, cash rewards present on the side bets which will help in boosting the bankroll of the player and at the same time provides lots of entertainment.


Play Against Other Game Enthusiasts


If someone is a new learner of the blackjack one can play the free European blackjack game online and it is one of the best ways to get familiar with the rules and regulations of the game, and one can also develop the right skills and strategies to play tactfully.

The online real dealer blackjack is the buzz word in the gambling industry, and the gambler can play against the real dealer and that too online. You can also go for playing with the real money on online casinos and can also play against the other blackjack lovers too.


Play Blackjack