Play Blackjack

How to Win Blackjack at a Casino?

Are you fond of casino games? Then, blackjack must be on the top of your favorites’ list. Card games are a mixture of luck and skill, and you need the maximum of both of these two while playing blackjack at the casino.

Though it is true that winning all blackjack games is not possible, still with tips on how to win blackjack, anyone can improve his chances to win few games.

Remember, you can brush up your skills with tips about how to win blackjack at the casino. But, there is something called luck factor. None can help you there. To enjoy the game and having fun, here are some ways of how to win blackjack in the casino.


What is Blackjack?


If you’re new to the gambling world, a brief description will help you to understand the game better. Blackjack is one of those gambling card games where you not only need luck like slot machines.


how to win blackjack


You must have some skills with cards which can help you to make effective strategies to win the game.
It is a comparing card game between the player and the dealer. That means, in this game, you have to beat the dealer. This game is played with decks of 52 cards. The ways of beating the dealer are:

  • Get 21 points on the first two cards of the player (blackjack) without a blackjack of the dealer.
  • Make higher score than the dealer without exceeding 21 points.
  • Let the dealer draw more cards until he reaches 21 points.

Due to the importance of 21 points, this game is also popularly known as Twenty-One.


How to Win Blackjack at a Casino?


How to win blackjack at a casino? As you know that this is the game of skill and luck.



If you are skilled in card games, you can make good strategies. Implementation of such strategies will help you enough to win the bets you have made. To know how to win blackjack at the casino, you can follow these rules:

1. Hard Hands: To know how to win blackjack, you must know the terms and rules of the game. Hard hands mean you get cards that amount to 12 or higher. Then, follow these rules:

  • 5-8 - hit your hand against any dealer up card.
  • 9 - Make your card double against a dealer 2 through 6 and hit 7 through ace.
  • 10 - Double against a dealer 2 through 9.
  • 11 - Double against a dealer 2 through 10.
  • 12-16 - hit against a dealer 7 through ace or stand.
  • 17-21 - Always stand.

2. Soft Hands: How to win blackjack at the casino if you get soft hands?



Here are the rules when your soft hand (with an ace) totals:

  • 13-15 - hit.
  • 16 and 17 - double against a dealer 2 through 6 or you can hit.
  • 18 - Double against a dealer 2 through 6; stand against a 7 or 8, hit against 9, 10 or ace.
  • 19 to 21 - always stand.


3. Splits: To know how to win blackjack in the casino, you must know when to split your cards. Here are the rules:

  • Never split 4’s, 5’s or 10’s.
  • Always split 8’s and aces.
  • Always split 2’s, 3’s, 6’s and 7’s against 2 through 6, hit 6’s, and 7’s against 7 through ace.
  • You can split 9’s other than against 7’s, 10’s and aces.

4. Don’t Split Two 10’s: If you get a hand with total values of 20 that is excellent. You need 21 points to make blackjack, and already you have pocketed 20 points with first two cards. The dealer can only win if he makes 21 which is quite difficult for the dealer to get that one point.


Tips for Double Down


How to win blackjack at a casino? These tips will also help you:

  • Don’t hesitate if the dealer shows a 10 or ace if you have a count of 11.
  • If you have a count of 10 and the dealer shows 9 or less, go for a double down.
  • If the dealer's card is from 2 to 8 and you have a count of 9.
  • Hit double down if you get a count of 9 and the dealer shows 4, 5 or 6.
  • If you get soft, 13 and soft 14 and the dealer get a 5 or 6.


how to win blackjack in casino


  • If you get soft, 15 and soft 16 and the dealer get a count of 4, 5 or 6.
  • If you get a count of a soft 17 and soft 18, when the dealer has a 3 through 6.


Some Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know


When you want tips on how to win blackjack at the casino, here are some do’s and don’ts you must know before playing.

1. To Do List:

  • You can enjoy blackjack to your heart’s content as it is a funny game.


how to win blackjack at the casino


  • Always remember the rules of winning.
  • It is important to make a ‘toke’ bet for the dealer. You can also hand over a chip to them for their efforts.
  • You fix your time for playing.
  • If you’re winning, increase your bet a little.
  • Pre-set your winning level and play till then. If you don’t enjoy anymore, quit immediately.
  • Always be friendly with the dealer. If you’re not comfortable with him, change dealer.

2. Not to Do List:

  • Don’t take insurance unless you see no 10’s on the layout.
  • Never use surrender unless you have 15 against 10 or 16 against 9, 10 or ace.
  • Don’t be rude to the dealer or the other players. Keep the environment enjoyable.
  • Don’t bet more and more when you’re losing. You can go bankrupt by this.


Play Blackjack